Fencing School

Fencing weapons: Saber, sword, rapier
Weapons are one of the main elements of fencing equipment. What choice the child will use during training and competition depends on his choice. There are several types of fencing…

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Swords naked, nobles: 7 reasons to engage in fencing in 2019
Frenchwoman Jeanne Kalman began fencing at the age of 85 and as a result she lived for 122 years and 164 days! While you are considering whether to follow her…

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Fencing for children: how old and what is the use
On the pros and cons, what medical contraindications exist, how to choose a section, how much the classes cost - read the article. Fencing came from the depths of centuries…

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In the Middle Ages, the possession of knives was the privilege of chivalry. In the wars of that time, the battle was decided by a clash of cavalry. Sometimes the battle was replaced by martial arts of two representatives of hostile armies. Tacitus3 in the work “Germany” describes the struggle of two opponents, the outcome of which decided the victory of the armies.

The religious savagery of the Middle Ages gave rise to another form of martial art – the “court of God.” It was a duel, which took place by order of the court, if one of the litigants disputed the justice of the verdict. The winner of the “court of God” was recognized as the winner of the court case. Continue reading


Materials on the history of ancient peoples make it possible to say that the possession of edged weapons occupied an important place in military training and physical education of that time. The sacred books of ancient India mention the extremely basic principles of possession of edged weapons and indicate 32 types of various weapons. The teachers and distributors of fencing were apparently Indian Brahmins (clergy). Many monuments of ancient Egypt depict figures of warriors with sticks. We must think that fencing on sticks was one of the types of military training.

The weapon consisted of a sword with a hilt, which also served to protect the hand from impact. Continue reading


Indoor facilities for fencing should primarily have sufficient floor space, cubic capacity, good ventilation and lighting. When calculating the cubic capacity, it is necessary to take into account that the pulmonary ventilation of fighters during an individual lesson and free-style fighting increases to 14.5 – 23.0 liters per minute, and the recovery period lasts for trained fencers for about 10 minutes. In Jovičkop, pulmonary ventilation remains elevated for longer. Oxygen absorption, depending on the intensity of the lesson, increases to 480.0–856.0 cm³ in 1 min. Therefore, the cubic capacity of the room per student should be considered not less than 30 m³. Ventilation devices must provide a 3-fold change in air flow, i.e. 80 – 90 m³ of air per person per hour. Continue reading


General tasks of the preparatory period: a) development and strengthening of the muscular and skeletal-ligamentous systems; b) improving the activity of internal organs (respiration, blood circulation, excretion and metabolism); c) improving overall coordination and developing speed of reaction; d) general retraction of the body and development of endurance; d) the introduction and development of habits of cultural behavior and discipline.

Special tasks of this period: a) testing and improving the basic skills of fencing equipment (techniques of attack and defense movements and methods of preparing for an attack); b) verification and improvement of the technique of complex fencing techniques; c) the development of a sense of distance, time and a sense of weapons; d) the development of speed, accuracy of movements. Continue reading

On the anniversary of the collaboration of Michael Schumacher and Mercedes
At the end of the year, Mercedes will mark a round date from the beginning of cooperation with one of the best drivers in the history of Formula 1, Michael…


Fencing will make your child agile, brave and strong.
Fencing is one of the most difficult and highly coordinated sports. Sports fencing is a champion among all sports in terms of the requirements for reactive activity of skeletal muscles…


Loop Mukhina: A tragic page in the history of Soviet gymnastics
She was amazingly talented and persistent. Elena Mukhina was the absolute champion of the USSR and the world in gymnastics, showed an incredibly complex program, some elements of which are…
