Take the ready
When talking about fencing, swords and rapiers, most imagine the times of magnificent balls and daring duels. And only a few associate this word with modern sport. Why is it…

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"Stage (artistic) fencing"
Artistic fencing has long gone beyond the boundaries of theater and film sets, has ceased to be only the discipline of theater studios and universities and the exclusive privilege of…

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Stage and sports fencing
Sports fencing is a combat sport with knives. Fencing battle is a conditional duel on edged sports weapons, regulated by the official rules of the competition. Classical fencing, subject to…

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while observing


General tasks of the preparatory period: a) development and strengthening of the muscular and skeletal-ligamentous systems; b) improving the activity of internal organs (respiration, blood circulation, excretion and metabolism); c) improving overall coordination and developing speed of reaction; d) general retraction of the body and development of endurance; d) the introduction and development of habits of cultural behavior and discipline.

Special tasks of this period: a) testing and improving the basic skills of fencing equipment (techniques of attack and defense movements and methods of preparing for an attack); b) verification and improvement of the technique of complex fencing techniques; c) the development of a sense of distance, time and a sense of weapons; d) the development of speed, accuracy of movements. Continue reading

About the principles of fencing

Imagine someone seriously telling you that a tennis racket weighs 15 kg. And then another someone says that in football, the main force is whoever kicks the ball harder will win. Finally, the third one shares a terrible secret – the bicycle helmet is very fragile, so it does not protect the head, but put it on exclusively for better streamlining. Is funny And by the way, when it comes to wars of the past in general and fencing in particular, such pearls are heard regularly.

This happens, in my opinion, from the fact that many people have little idea of ​​what fencing is. If tennis, football and cycling are more or less familiar to us, then films and games are usually the main source of information about knives. Where everything looks completely different. Continue reading

Fencing for children: how old and what is the use

On the pros and cons, what medical contraindications exist, how to choose a section, how much the classes cost – read the article.

Fencing came from the depths of centuries and formed into an elegant sport. This is a combat sport with the use of weapons. Opponents seek to inflict more blows (shots) to each other, while observing the rules of the fight.

Fencing is considered a noble sport and educates the child in qualities that can be useful not only in the tournament, but also in everyday life: observation; the ability to analyze the situation and make quick decisions; perseverance and willpower. Continue reading

Fencing: One vs. Several
Everyone knows the proverb "one in the field is not a warrior." However, all the same, in adventure books and films, the protagonist periodically has to accept a battle against…


About armor battle
If earlier I wrote mainly about an armless duel, now I’ll consider a battle in armor. For starters, what is armor in general? Many at these words imagine something like…


Modern sports fencing, included in the program of the Olympic Games, includes competitions on three types of weapons: sword, rapier, saber. All of them came from the same types of…
