"Stage (artistic) fencing"
Artistic fencing has long gone beyond the boundaries of theater and film sets, has ceased to be only the discipline of theater studios and universities and the exclusive privilege of…

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Italian Fencing School
Among all the treatises devoted to foil foil, no one can compare with the "Great fencing simulator written by Ridolfo Capo Ferro da Cagli, master of the most excellent German…

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Modern sports fencing, included in the program of the Olympic Games, includes competitions on three types of weapons: sword, rapier, saber. All of them came from the same types of…

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Spain and the island

Fencing for children: how old and what is the use

On the pros and cons, what medical contraindications exist, how to choose a section, how much the classes cost – read the article.

Fencing came from the depths of centuries and formed into an elegant sport. This is a combat sport with the use of weapons. Opponents seek to inflict more blows (shots) to each other, while observing the rules of the fight.

Fencing is considered a noble sport and educates the child in qualities that can be useful not only in the tournament, but also in everyday life: observation; the ability to analyze the situation and make quick decisions; perseverance and willpower. Continue reading

Fencing will make your child agile, brave and strong.

Fencing is one of the most difficult and highly coordinated sports. Sports fencing is a champion among all sports in terms of the requirements for reactive activity of skeletal muscles and the nervous system. Simply put, there is no sport that would require more reaction and greater speed of movement, recruited simultaneously. If the sprinter develops a constant speed while running for 100 meters, with which it is difficult to compare something, then the fencer develops a speed of movement that is 15–20 times higher than the speed of movement in the space of the sprinter!
Why is fencing useful? Continue reading

Swords naked, nobles: 7 reasons to engage in fencing in 2019

Frenchwoman Jeanne Kalman began fencing at the age of 85 and as a result she lived for 122 years and 164 days! While you are considering whether to follow her example, we have selected several more reasons why fencing is so popular all over the world (136 countries are members of the International Fencing Federation).

7 reasons to do fencing
1. Fencing improves coordination
Sitting for weeks in the office, you are doomed to become more and more clumsy: an awkward elbow movement – and now a pile of papers is flying off the table … Balancing on a 14-meter metal path only one and a half meters wide while practicing fencing (studying various fencing positions), you quickly wean the body from such embarrassments. Continue reading

Fencing is a sport that combines three disciplines: rapier, sword, saber. Competitions in men are held in three types of weapons - rapier, saber, sword, in women - rapier and…


Fencing for Seniors at Katana Club
In adulthood, an active healthy lifestyle is more important than ever. Regular physical activity in the elderly will not only maintain the flexibility of the joints, allow you to remain…


Is it too late to start practicing Spanish fencing Destreza?
At what age is acceptable to engage in fencing, in particular the Spanish school Destreza? - It turned out that this question worries many readers. Today, fencing has several main…
