Do you think the musketeers now live only in books, and the pirates only saber in the Pirates of the Caribbean? I assure you, the romance of a cloak and…

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About the principles of fencing: Weapons
First of all, I want to note that when I say "weapons", I mean everything that a person holds in his hands, leading a battle. The shield is also a…

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On the principles of fencing: Technique.
In a previous post, I talked about the general principles of an armless duel and the preparation of an attack. I thought about switching to weapons, then to armor, and…

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turned out to be

“Stage (artistic) fencing”

Artistic fencing has long gone beyond the boundaries of theater and film sets, has ceased to be only the discipline of theater studios and universities and the exclusive privilege of theater artists, cinema, actors and stuntmen. Art fencing has become the property of a wide range of enthusiasts and fans, an exciting and extremely spectacular sport.

Artistic fencing is a harmonious fusion of the perfect fencing and artistry technique, light and music, directorial concept and embodied image, hard work in the training room and the magic of the stage … This combination allows his fans to rise to the heights of sportsmanship and to a high level art. Continue reading

The collapse of the history of European fencing       

Defense from the true science of weapons and the response of field maestro Francisco Lorenz de Rada, Knight of the Order of St. Santiago, Marquis de las Torres de Rada, Senior Chancellor and Permanent Secretary of the Royal Audience of New Spain and the island of Santo Domingo and the Philippines. ”

The Commander of the Order of St. Santiago – Francisco Lorenzo de Rada – can rightly be called the enlightener of all the “experts” in the history of European fencing – what now exists, what their predecessors are.
As you know, the founder of one of the fundamental doctrines of deep psychology Lipot Sondi said the following: “Choice makes fate.” The choice of a profession, business, person … Continue reading

In the world of motors: Under foreign names

In the sixties and seventies of the last century in Formula 1, most of the teams used almost identical Ford Cosworth DFV engines, and only some engines had other engines – Ferrari, BRM, Alfa Romeo … But after the advent of turbo engines, everything changed radically. Since the 80s, the situation with the engines in Formula 1 has been quite confusing.

In the nineties, turbo engines were gone, but the tradition of Formula 1 was inherited from the previous era. Over the years, most teams have tried to find an exclusive partner for the supply of engines, and few of the minders supplied their products to more than one team. The only minder who supplied motors to several teams at once was Ford Cosworth – these engines were used by those who could not find a better option. Continue reading

History of European fencing    
So where did European fencing come from? Obviously not from books, as you understand ... Francisco Lawrence de Rada undertakes to answer this question, for generations over the centuries must…


Fencing Equipment: What is needed? How to choose?
To make the child comfortable in fencing, he needs to purchase high-quality equipment. We will consider what items a young athlete will need for training. And also talk about the…


Fencing will make your child agile, brave and strong.
Fencing is one of the most difficult and highly coordinated sports. Sports fencing is a champion among all sports in terms of the requirements for reactive activity of skeletal muscles…
