What kind of sport to do: Fencing for Development body and logic
WHO HAS NEVER tried to imitate musketeers or Zorro even on baguettes, he did not have a heart or, at least, childhood. Seriously, we can’t imagine the same fabulous one…

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Fencing is a sport that combines three disciplines: rapier, sword, saber. Competitions in men are held in three types of weapons - rapier, saber, sword, in women - rapier and…

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(Basics of fencing movement technique) Position "at attention" - statutory stoic, fencing weapon in the right or left hand. The starting position is the position from which the transition to…

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beautiful lady

“Stage (artistic) fencing”

Artistic fencing has long gone beyond the boundaries of theater and film sets, has ceased to be only the discipline of theater studios and universities and the exclusive privilege of theater artists, cinema, actors and stuntmen. Art fencing has become the property of a wide range of enthusiasts and fans, an exciting and extremely spectacular sport.

Artistic fencing is a harmonious fusion of the perfect fencing and artistry technique, light and music, directorial concept and embodied image, hard work in the training room and the magic of the stage … This combination allows his fans to rise to the heights of sportsmanship and to a high level art. Continue reading

Stage and sports fencing

Sports fencing is a combat sport with knives. Fencing battle is a conditional duel on edged sports weapons, regulated by the official rules of the competition. Classical fencing, subject to the rules developed by the International Fencing Federation (FIE), the elected body governing the entire international fencing sporting life, contains the following types of fencing: foil fencing, saber fencing and sword fencing.

Rapier is a piercing sporting weapon. The use of only piercing strikes and a small affected surface (compared with other types of weapons) create favorable conditions for defense and difficulty in injecting in an attack. Fencing on rapiers at a distance much shorter than on other types of weapons, and, as a rule, do not resort to deep waste, so the fencers fight are very intense. Continue reading

Training of fencers consists of a set of activities aimed at mastering the technique and tactics of fencing to achieve maximum sporting results in it. At the same time, the…


On the anniversary of the collaboration of Michael Schumacher and Mercedes
At the end of the year, Mercedes will mark a round date from the beginning of cooperation with one of the best drivers in the history of Formula 1, Michael…


Fencing: One vs. Several
Everyone knows the proverb "one in the field is not a warrior." However, all the same, in adventure books and films, the protagonist periodically has to accept a battle against…
