Fencing and Health
Fencing is one of the Olympic sports, and it received such status at the first Games of 1896. At first glance, the main components of the fight since then have…

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Fencing weapons: Saber, sword, rapier
Weapons are one of the main elements of fencing equipment. What choice the child will use during training and competition depends on his choice. There are several types of fencing…

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Doping - magic pill or death mark?
Since ancient times, people have used various methods and means to gain advantages over an opponent. But in ancient Greece and Rome, those methods were slightly different than today. People…

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during fencing

The confrontation of the French and Italian fencing schools

Starting from the middle of the XVII century, when the French shortened their epee, fencing with stabbing weapons began to progress rapidly in a variety of techniques, dexterity and speed of their application. From that moment, a sharp divergence of the French school (more progressive) and Italian (more conservative) begins. These discrepancies reached their peak by the end of the 19th century.

In France, from the second half of the 18th century, fencing has made rapid significant progress, clearly ahead of Italy. In 1736, the Frenchman Girard introduced the 8th and last defense, almost two centuries later than the 7th. In 1755, in the French Encyclopedia, the article “fencing” first talked about the need to introduce a fencing mask to prevent accidents. But 10 years passed before fencing masks were finally introduced. Continue reading

About armor battle

If earlier I wrote mainly about an armless duel, now I’ll consider a battle in armor. For starters, what is armor in general? Many at these words imagine something like this:

About armor combat Fencing, Historical fencing, Armor, Long-post, Melee weapons
This, of course, is armor, but those times when America was already open and infantry battles steadily drove more and more on the battlefield. And they cost comparable with this battle (I exaggerate, of course). And most of the time period and most of the warriors used much simpler types of armor. Therefore, saying “armor”, I mean not only that in the picture above, but also that in the picture below. Continue reading

History of European fencing    

So where did European fencing come from?

Obviously not from books, as you understand …
Francisco Lawrence de Rada undertakes to answer this question, for generations over the centuries must understand how the history of fencing really looks.
Let us choose the year 1711 as the starting point of the presentation – this year is the year of publication of the treatise Francisco de Rada, commander of the Order of St. Santiago. So, I quote his words:
“300 years ago, – accordingly, this is approximately 1411 year – the real fencing system existed in full in Sicily and in Calabria.” What happened next? These people, who had knowledge of fencing science, went to war – went to conquer the continents, which later in history was called the “Spanish Conquista”. Continue reading

Fencing will make your child agile, brave and strong.
Fencing is one of the most difficult and highly coordinated sports. Sports fencing is a champion among all sports in terms of the requirements for reactive activity of skeletal muscles…


(Basics of fencing movement technique) Position "at attention" - statutory stoic, fencing weapon in the right or left hand. The starting position is the position from which the transition to…


Fencing for children: how old and what is the use
On the pros and cons, what medical contraindications exist, how to choose a section, how much the classes cost - read the article. Fencing came from the depths of centuries…
