Indoor facilities for fencing should primarily have sufficient floor space, cubic capacity, good ventilation and lighting. When calculating the cubic capacity, it is necessary to take into account that the…

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FENCING: health benefits and contraindications.
Fencing is not only an interesting, beautiful and fascinating sport, but also very healthy, with very few contraindications. Fencing can be done by people of any age, being in various…

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Fencing is a sport that combines three disciplines: rapier, sword, saber. Competitions in men are held in three types of weapons - rapier, saber, sword, in women - rapier and…

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e training of soldiers


In the Middle Ages, the possession of knives was the privilege of chivalry. In the wars of that time, the battle was decided by a clash of cavalry. Sometimes the battle was replaced by martial arts of two representatives of hostile armies. Tacitus3 in the work “Germany” describes the struggle of two opponents, the outcome of which decided the victory of the armies.

The religious savagery of the Middle Ages gave rise to another form of martial art – the “court of God.” It was a duel, which took place by order of the court, if one of the litigants disputed the justice of the verdict. The winner of the “court of God” was recognized as the winner of the court case. Continue reading

Types of Fencing

About 30 years ago, fencing was one particular sport. Now there are a number of sports and near-sports disciplines that can be called fencing. With fairly different rules and shells, what unites them is that one way or another the cold steel battle is simulated – which is fencing in the broad sense of the word.

For adherents of one kind or another, I’ll immediately declare that I’m not going to drown for one thing. I also do not consider martial arts such as kendo, slept, or naginatajutsu, since I know very little about them. In the review there will be only “European” fencing. Continue reading

FENCING: health benefits and contraindications.

Fencing is not only an interesting, beautiful and fascinating sport, but also very healthy, with very few contraindications. Fencing can be done by people of any age, being in various physical forms. There are several types of fencing, but the article will focus on the most common and useful – sports fencing.

Fencing Description:
Sports fencing is a sport rooted in antiquity, where combat fencing (mastery of knives) was not only the most important discipline in the training of soldiers, but also taught to children. For the first time, sports fencing appeared in the Olympics program in 1896. Currently, this sport is divided into three types, depending on the weapon used: sword fencing, saber fencing and rapier fencing. Sports fencing is not only an independent sport, but also part of the modern pentathlon program. Fencing is considered a safe sport. Continue reading

Fencing: One vs. Several
Everyone knows the proverb "one in the field is not a warrior." However, all the same, in adventure books and films, the protagonist periodically has to accept a battle against…


On the anniversary of the collaboration of Michael Schumacher and Mercedes
At the end of the year, Mercedes will mark a round date from the beginning of cooperation with one of the best drivers in the history of Formula 1, Michael…


Fencing styles
Fencing styles can be conditionally divided into Eastern and European fencing. European styles are usually called schools (eg: German school, Italian school, etc.). We systematize all our knowledge in one…
