About the principles of fencing: Weapons
First of all, I want to note that when I say "weapons", I mean everything that a person holds in his hands, leading a battle. The shield is also a…

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On the principles of fencing: Technique.
In a previous post, I talked about the general principles of an armless duel and the preparation of an attack. I thought about switching to weapons, then to armor, and…

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Aiki-do is a very young martial art, but it embodied the principles and methods that span more than one hundred years. Ueshiba Morihei (1883 - 1969), a descendant of an…

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Indoor facilities for fencing should primarily have sufficient floor space, cubic capacity, good ventilation and lighting. When calculating the cubic capacity, it is necessary to take into account that the pulmonary ventilation of fighters during an individual lesson and free-style fighting increases to 14.5 – 23.0 liters per minute, and the recovery period lasts for trained fencers for about 10 minutes. In Jovičkop, pulmonary ventilation remains elevated for longer. Oxygen absorption, depending on the intensity of the lesson, increases to 480.0–856.0 cm³ in 1 min. Therefore, the cubic capacity of the room per student should be considered not less than 30 m³. Ventilation devices must provide a 3-fold change in air flow, i.e. 80 – 90 m³ of air per person per hour. Continue reading


General tasks of the preparatory period: a) development and strengthening of the muscular and skeletal-ligamentous systems; b) improving the activity of internal organs (respiration, blood circulation, excretion and metabolism); c) improving overall coordination and developing speed of reaction; d) general retraction of the body and development of endurance; d) the introduction and development of habits of cultural behavior and discipline.

Special tasks of this period: a) testing and improving the basic skills of fencing equipment (techniques of attack and defense movements and methods of preparing for an attack); b) verification and improvement of the technique of complex fencing techniques; c) the development of a sense of distance, time and a sense of weapons; d) the development of speed, accuracy of movements. Continue reading

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Fencing instead of fitness
Fencing kneads the whole body, all muscle groups and ligaments. Fencing is possible not only with a sword, but also with a sword. This sport enhances strength, endurance, mindfulness. Fencing…


The confrontation of the French and Italian fencing schools
Starting from the middle of the XVII century, when the French shortened their epee, fencing with stabbing weapons began to progress rapidly in a variety of techniques, dexterity and speed…


Fencing is a sport that combines three disciplines: rapier, sword, saber. Competitions in men are held in three types of weapons - rapier, saber, sword, in women - rapier and…
