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Types of Fencing

About 30 years ago, fencing was one particular sport. Now there are a number of sports and near-sports disciplines that can be called fencing. With fairly different rules and shells, what unites them is that one way or another the cold steel battle is simulated – which is fencing in the broad sense of the word.

For adherents of one kind or another, I’ll immediately declare that I’m not going to drown for one thing. I also do not consider martial arts such as kendo, slept, or naginatajutsu, since I know very little about them. In the review there will be only “European” fencing.

So let’s go.

1) Olympic (sports) fencing.

Types of fencing Fencing, Historical fencing, Hema, ISB, Smb, Sports fencing, Saberfighting, Video, Long post
What was previously simply called fencing. And now, a number of snobs, retrograde conservative personalities can say that this is the only normal type of fencing.

The history of sports fencing dates back to the 19th century, from the days when fencing was still of practical importance. Unfortunately or fortunately, it gradually evolved very strongly and now resembles a cold weapon duel only in general terms. The most criticized is the extremely lightweight weapon with a flexible blade and electrification. The first allows you to perform actions impossible with real weapons, and the second allows you to win simply by touching the enemy a split second earlier.

The weapon allows you to perform such tricks, which is very actively used

However, in no case can not be said that the sportswear is useless. As practice has shown, athletes who switched to history are becoming very strong fighters. At least they move very well. Yes, and in DF and sports HEMA (about them below) do not hesitate to use the motor base from sportswear.

2) HMB (historical medieval battle)

Types of fencing Fencing, Historical fencing, Hema, ISB, Smb, Sports fencing, Saberfighting, Video, Long post
The roots of this trend lie in the military-historical reconstruction. This includes several disciplines, both paired and team. What unites them is that the soldiers fight in real (almost) armor. This, incidentally, is the only type of fencing known to me “for the result”, where so much attention is paid to the appearance of the equipment.

Evil languages ​​can say that HMB is neither historical, nor medieval, nor battle. And partly they are right 🙂 Indeed, sets of armor are selected primarily for reasons of efficiency within a specific set of rules, and not for reasons of authenticity. For the production of armor, modern materials can be used – titanium, high-carbon steel. Finally, for security reasons, a number of tricks are forbidden – for example, all injections. And indeed, in a number of disciplines, wrestling and kicks can be no less important than fencing itself.

Nevertheless, HMB is a very spectacular and dynamic sport, although it is not such in the legal sense.

Types of fencing Fencing, Historical fencing, Hema, ISB, Smb, Sports fencing, Saberfighting, Video, Long post
Battle of the Nations – the largest international tournament. Some mass battles may resemble small battles. Russia, by the way, has been confidently leading for a year.

3) SMB (modern sword fight).

Types of fencing Fencing, Historical fencing, Hema, ISB, Smb, Sports fencing, Saberfighting, Video, Long post
It was born as a lightweight version of the HMB, where instead of armor and steel swords, melee protection and soft sticks are used. In fact, it is the same, although in recent years there have been disciplines borrowing elements of the DF / HEMA (about them below).

An undoubted advantage of this species is the low entry threshold. Equipment is quite cheap and easily accessible, injuries, subject to basic TB, are minimal. In principle, a beginner can be sparred already at the first training session, although, of course, there is little sense in this. Therefore, if you have long wanted to try yourself in fencing, but you have paws, or just a lot less than 18, this is a good choice.

Of the minuses, a low aesthetics can be noted – although, of course, this is a matter of taste. And somehow this direction is more focused on children, not adults. Although the situation has been getting better recently. However, over time you can go to HMB – the skills you have gained will not be wasted.

4) DF and HEMA (dueling fencing and Historical European Martial Arts, Historical European Martial Arts)

Types of fencing Fencing, Historical fencing, Hema, ISB, Smb, Sports fencing, Saberfighting, Video, Long post
Federshvert – HEMA “calling card”

Strictly speaking, these are two different species, but their differences are more likely historical and ideological. As far as sports are concerned, they practically coincide.

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