Fencing and Health
Fencing is one of the Olympic sports, and it received such status at the first Games of 1896. At first glance, the main components of the fight since then have…

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Fencing: One vs. Several
Everyone knows the proverb "one in the field is not a warrior." However, all the same, in adventure books and films, the protagonist periodically has to accept a battle against…

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About armor battle
If earlier I wrote mainly about an armless duel, now I’ll consider a battle in armor. For starters, what is armor in general? Many at these words imagine something like…

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y begin to engage

Is it too late to start practicing Spanish fencing Destreza?

At what age is acceptable to engage in fencing, in particular the Spanish school Destreza? – It turned out that this question worries many readers.

Today, fencing has several main directions. So, in children’s fencing more often come as children up to 10 years old and after 10-12 years of intensive training, some of them achieve significant results in one of the narrow specializations – epee, rapier or saber. They begin to engage in stage fencing in theatrical universities. Although fencing is enthusiastic and rather traumatic, historical fencing is done by people of a conscious age, usually after 18. Continue reading

Fencing is a sport that combines three disciplines: rapier, sword, saber. Competitions in men are held in three types of weapons - rapier, saber, sword, in women - rapier and…


Take the ready
When talking about fencing, swords and rapiers, most imagine the times of magnificent balls and daring duels. And only a few associate this word with modern sport. Why is it…


Wounds and injections: how professional fencers work
Seven-time world champion, nine-time European champion, numerous champion of our country - in general, the "first saber of the world" Sophia the Great helped us to understand the rules of…
