(Basics of fencing movement technique) Position "at attention" - statutory stoic, fencing weapon in the right or left hand. The starting position is the position from which the transition to…

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General tasks of the preparatory period: a) development and strengthening of the muscular and skeletal-ligamentous systems; b) improving the activity of internal organs (respiration, blood circulation, excretion and metabolism); c)…

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Fencing for Seniors at Katana Club
In adulthood, an active healthy lifestyle is more important than ever. Regular physical activity in the elderly will not only maintain the flexibility of the joints, allow you to remain…

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clear definitions

How to Improve Fencing Skills

If you want to start practicing fencing, go to the related WikiHow article, “How to Learn Fencing.” This article is intended for beginner and intermediate level fencers (although it focuses primarily on beginners). It should be noted that some of these methods suggest that the fencer who reads them is a student of the French fencing school (uses the French sword and focuses mainly on small, economical movements). Some of these methods can be applied to people of the Italian school and to those who use a sword with a pistol grip, but with a reduced level of efficiency. Many of these methods completely ignore the type of fencing and the type of weapon used. Continue reading

The collapse of the history of European fencing (Part Three)

“No war – no fencing!”

Why is it? Who needs fencing? Who else needs a military system? Only an aggressive state waging war of conquest no one needs any more system. For example, an aborigine does not need such military science at all. And by any fate he cannot even think about this, and there are his reasons for that. The native has completely different needs: to get a banana or coconut and feed the family, but protect it from predators. Why does he need a “military system”? It’s better to tell how to get meat on hunting or catch fish. More than once Bram Frank and other masters of fencing of our time drew attention to this. Continue reading

History of European fencing    

So where did European fencing come from?

Obviously not from books, as you understand …
Francisco Lawrence de Rada undertakes to answer this question, for generations over the centuries must understand how the history of fencing really looks.
Let us choose the year 1711 as the starting point of the presentation – this year is the year of publication of the treatise Francisco de Rada, commander of the Order of St. Santiago. So, I quote his words:
“300 years ago, – accordingly, this is approximately 1411 year – the real fencing system existed in full in Sicily and in Calabria.” What happened next? These people, who had knowledge of fencing science, went to war – went to conquer the continents, which later in history was called the “Spanish Conquista”. Continue reading

The collapse of the history of European fencing (Part Three)
“No war - no fencing!” Why is it? Who needs fencing? Who else needs a military system? Only an aggressive state waging war of conquest no one needs any more…


Roman fencing
The appearance of the Roman warriors, their weapons and armor can be reconstructed according to archaeological sources. But, not content with the static picture obtained, historians seek to find out…


Take the ready
When talking about fencing, swords and rapiers, most imagine the times of magnificent balls and daring duels. And only a few associate this word with modern sport. Why is it…
