Aiki-do is a very young martial art, but it embodied the principles and methods that span more than one hundred years. Ueshiba Morihei (1883 - 1969), a descendant of an…

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Is it too late to start practicing Spanish fencing Destreza?
At what age is acceptable to engage in fencing, in particular the Spanish school Destreza? - It turned out that this question worries many readers. Today, fencing has several main…

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Sword tip and its setting
The joyful moments that a successful and beautiful injection delivers to the athlete are noted, as is known, by the burning lamp of the electric fixator. In order for an…

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clear definitions

Why is fencing useful?

“Fencing a couple of centuries ago was not considered as such a sport, it was an obligatory discipline, not in all countries, of course. The child began to learn how to use a sword in early childhood, literally, when he takes the first steps. Today it is a very beautiful, elegant and in its own way noble sport, which girls enjoy playing with, ”says Alexei Egorov, trainer of the capital’s private fencing school.

The days of knightly tournaments are a thing of the distant past, but as if recalling brave warriors and paying tribute to them, people around the world are engaged in fencing. What kind of sport is this and how dangerous is sword fighting?

Noble sport for the most worthy Continue reading

What kind of sport to do: Fencing for Development body and logic

WHO HAS NEVER tried to imitate musketeers or Zorro even on baguettes, he did not have a heart or, at least, childhood. Seriously, we can’t imagine the same fabulous one – the heroes and the few heroines of fairy tales and movies are immediately remembered – and an elegant way to dilute a sedentary lifestyle, like fencing. We talked with coaches and athletes and found out that even for a busy and not very physically developed city dweller, fencing is available in the same way as bored aerobics and yoga (or boxing, crossfit and rock climbing that we mentioned). Continue reading

Loop Mukhina: A tragic page in the history of Soviet gymnastics

She was amazingly talented and persistent. Elena Mukhina was the absolute champion of the USSR and the world in gymnastics, showed an incredibly complex program, some elements of which are now prohibited at competitions because of their danger. The gymnast dreamed of becoming an Olympic champion, but the injury received during the training forever deprived her of such an opportunity. But even being bedridden, Elena Mukhina continued to fight for the right to live.

The future gymnast, who was born in 1960 in Moscow, was left without a mother at the age of two, and the baby’s father, after the death of his wife, created a new family in which there was no place for her daughter. Fortunately for Lena, she had a wonderful grandmother, Anna Ivanovna, who raised and raised her granddaughter. Continue reading

Fencing weapons: Saber, sword, rapier
Weapons are one of the main elements of fencing equipment. What choice the child will use during training and competition depends on his choice. There are several types of fencing…


Swords naked, nobles: 7 reasons to engage in fencing in 2019
Frenchwoman Jeanne Kalman began fencing at the age of 85 and as a result she lived for 122 years and 164 days! While you are considering whether to follow her…


Stage and sports fencing
Sports fencing is a combat sport with knives. Fencing battle is a conditional duel on edged sports weapons, regulated by the official rules of the competition. Classical fencing, subject to…
