Fencing for children: how old and what is the use
On the pros and cons, what medical contraindications exist, how to choose a section, how much the classes cost - read the article. Fencing came from the depths of centuries…

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Do you think the musketeers now live only in books, and the pirates only saber in the Pirates of the Caribbean? I assure you, the romance of a cloak and…

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Italian Fencing School
Among all the treatises devoted to foil foil, no one can compare with the "Great fencing simulator written by Ridolfo Capo Ferro da Cagli, master of the most excellent German…

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the initial stage

Sword tip and its setting

The joyful moments that a successful and beautiful injection delivers to the athlete are noted, as is known, by the burning lamp of the electric fixator. In order for an injection to be awarded without fail, you need to be sure not only of your own skill, but also of the reliability of your weapon. The most significant problems in this regard are usually associated with the tip of the sword. They are the most difficult to track and correct. If it is impossible not to notice a torn sizing or a broken blade, then it is not always easy to understand about the tip of a sword whether it works as it should or sometimes fails. To successfully cope with the elimination of such malfunctions, you need, firstly, to very well imagine the tip device. Let’s look at it in more detail. Continue reading


General tasks of the preparatory period: a) development and strengthening of the muscular and skeletal-ligamentous systems; b) improving the activity of internal organs (respiration, blood circulation, excretion and metabolism); c) improving overall coordination and developing speed of reaction; d) general retraction of the body and development of endurance; d) the introduction and development of habits of cultural behavior and discipline.

Special tasks of this period: a) testing and improving the basic skills of fencing equipment (techniques of attack and defense movements and methods of preparing for an attack); b) verification and improvement of the technique of complex fencing techniques; c) the development of a sense of distance, time and a sense of weapons; d) the development of speed, accuracy of movements. Continue reading

Types of Fencing

About 30 years ago, fencing was one particular sport. Now there are a number of sports and near-sports disciplines that can be called fencing. With fairly different rules and shells, what unites them is that one way or another the cold steel battle is simulated – which is fencing in the broad sense of the word.

For adherents of one kind or another, I’ll immediately declare that I’m not going to drown for one thing. I also do not consider martial arts such as kendo, slept, or naginatajutsu, since I know very little about them. In the review there will be only “European” fencing. Continue reading

Fencing will make your child agile, brave and strong.
Fencing is one of the most difficult and highly coordinated sports. Sports fencing is a champion among all sports in terms of the requirements for reactive activity of skeletal muscles…


Stage and sports fencing
Sports fencing is a combat sport with knives. Fencing battle is a conditional duel on edged sports weapons, regulated by the official rules of the competition. Classical fencing, subject to…


Fencing for Seniors at Katana Club
In adulthood, an active healthy lifestyle is more important than ever. Regular physical activity in the elderly will not only maintain the flexibility of the joints, allow you to remain…
