The collapse of the history of European fencing (Part Three)
“No war - no fencing!” Why is it? Who needs fencing? Who else needs a military system? Only an aggressive state waging war of conquest no one needs any more…

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Indoor facilities for fencing should primarily have sufficient floor space, cubic capacity, good ventilation and lighting. When calculating the cubic capacity, it is necessary to take into account that the…

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Roman fencing
The appearance of the Roman warriors, their weapons and armor can be reconstructed according to archaeological sources. But, not content with the static picture obtained, historians seek to find out…

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The collapse of the history of European fencing (Part Three)
“No war - no fencing!” Why is it? Who needs fencing? Who else needs a military system? Only an aggressive state waging war of conquest no one needs any more…


Fencing instead of fitness
Fencing kneads the whole body, all muscle groups and ligaments. Fencing is possible not only with a sword, but also with a sword. This sport enhances strength, endurance, mindfulness. Fencing…


Is it too late to start practicing Spanish fencing Destreza?
At what age is acceptable to engage in fencing, in particular the Spanish school Destreza? - It turned out that this question worries many readers. Today, fencing has several main…
