The Soviet Olympic champion in fencing died from a rapier shot in the eye. After his death, organs were stolen
Fencing is the most romantic sport reminiscent of the times of musketeers and dueling with swords. Now there is not much left of the fleur of Paris and D’Artagnan, and…

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How to Improve Fencing Skills
If you want to start practicing fencing, go to the related WikiHow article, "How to Learn Fencing." This article is intended for beginner and intermediate level fencers (although it focuses…

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Roman fencing
The appearance of the Roman warriors, their weapons and armor can be reconstructed according to archaeological sources. But, not content with the static picture obtained, historians seek to find out…

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Fencing: One vs. Several

Everyone knows the proverb “one in the field is not a warrior.” However, all the same, in adventure books and films, the protagonist periodically has to accept a battle against several opponents and, as a rule, win a victory. Is this real? What is required for this? How exactly should one act in such a situation? Below I will try to answer these questions.

Fencing: One vs. Multiple Fencing, Theory, Fencing in Literature, Text, Long Post
To begin with, what exactly is the battle against several opponents dangerous? First of all, the fact that at the same time you can defend yourself against one, maximum two blows (if there are two weapons). Forget about the occasionally occurring trick, when two are blocked with one blade at once – it’s just a flashy trick. Thus, if opponents attack all at once, it will be impossible to defend oneself purely physically. Continue reading

Fencing and Health

Fencing is one of the Olympic sports, and it received such status at the first Games of 1896. At first glance, the main components of the fight since then have not changed much. But nevertheless, now fencing is a very technological sport, which received a great impetus for development thanks to the electronic system for fixing injections. This made fencing a more entertaining and objective discipline.

Fencing is divided into three Olympic disciplines: sword, rapier and saber. Their main differences are which injections are counted in which parts of the body and which are not. Regardless of the type of weapon chosen, all fencers are characterized by a good reaction, coordination, flexibility, flexibility and speed of decision-making. Such qualities should be at least partially possessed by a child if he wants to succeed in this sport. Continue reading

Fencing for Seniors at Katana Club

In adulthood, an active healthy lifestyle is more important than ever. Regular physical activity in the elderly will not only maintain the flexibility of the joints, allow you to remain independent for longer and slow down the signs of old age, but will help increase energy, cope with some symptoms of the disease and prevent the appearance of fencing for the elderly – chanbara pain.

In addition to the benefits for the body, fencing also helps to maintain sharpness of mind, reaction, memory and good mood. Physical activity when fencing with canbar, katana, sporting weapons is your ticket to a healthy old age. The Japanese conducted a study and found that, according to statistics, those who practice exercises with the katana sword live 10 years longer and look 10 to 15 years younger than those who do not. Continue reading

Types of Fencing
About 30 years ago, fencing was one particular sport. Now there are a number of sports and near-sports disciplines that can be called fencing. With fairly different rules and shells,…


About the principles of fencing
Imagine someone seriously telling you that a tennis racket weighs 15 kg. And then another someone says that in football, the main force is whoever kicks the ball harder will…


(Basics of fencing movement technique) Position "at attention" - statutory stoic, fencing weapon in the right or left hand. The starting position is the position from which the transition to…
